Morris Point Braai Facilities
Morris Point Braai Facilities
Morris Point Braai Facilities
Locals, visitors and holidaymakers can enjoy having a braai at Morris Point in Still Bay as a result of the Morris Point braai facilities having been upgraded.
Morris Point Build a Braai Project
Individuals and businesses could vie the build of a BBQ (Braai) unit on the picturesque Morris Point at Still Bay, Western Cape, subsequently getting involved in an initiative to upgrade the facilities there.
Overall they built the braais according to specifications the Hessequa Municipality approved. On the whole these are friendly to the environment and a pleasure to look at.
Extreme Fishing, a local business, and the Still Bay Chamber of Business sponsored and built the first two braais of the Morris Point Build a Braai project.
Advertising rights
In return for footing the bill for the construction of the units, the builders have exclusive advertising rights on the braai unit thus providing them with an advertising opportunity worth a lot more than the construction will ever amount to.
Other areas
Although there are no more spaces available on Morris Point, there are equally important areas available at Lapskuit and along the river.
Talk to the Still Bay Business Chamber about the available sites and, in addition let your business help create a better Still Bay.
Die Morrispunt “Bou ‘n Braai” Projek
Besighede kon wedywer om ‘n braaiplek by Morrispunt, Stilbaai in die Wes-Kaap te bou. Sodoende sou dit help om die fasiliteite daar te verbeter.
Besighede in Stilbaai en omgewing het betrokke geraak met die projek, derhalwe kon ons pragtige braaiplekke bou. Dit word deur almal gebruik langs die pragtige see en die natuurskoon by Morrispunt.
Die eerste twee braaiplekke by Morrispunt, Stilbaai, is gebou deur ‘n plaaslike besigheid, Extreme Fishing en die Besigheidskamer.
Omdat hulle dit op eie koste moes doen, kon die besighede hulle name op die braaiplekke aanbring.
Ander areas
Alhoewel Morrispunt nou ‘n hele aantal braaiplekke het, word daar nog benodig by Lapskuit en uitgesoekte areas langs die rivier.
Praat met die Stilbaai Sakekamer indien jy belangstel om aan hierdie projek deel te neem. Laat jou besigheid sodoende help om Stilbaai mooi te maak.