Shell Middens Still Bay
Shell Middens Still Bay
Shell Middens Still Bay
The shell middens are just east of the Still Bay harbour, close to the historical Wafra Fishing boat at the NSRI Station 31 office.
Shell middens Still Bay are the rubbish dumps of Stone Age people.
Such a rubbish dump, if in fact excavated by a trained archaeologist, presents a record of the food people ate, the tools they made and used and the ornaments they wore.
Shell middens are easily distinguishable because, apart from a variety of shells, they contain the bones of animals and fish which the Later Stone Age people ate.
In addition they may also contain some stone and bone tools.
The Khoi contribution
In more recent middens they found shards of pottery as well. The Khoi introduced pottery about 2000 years ago.
Shell middens are part of our cultural heritage in terms of the Natural Resources Act. Nobody may disturb them without prior permission from The South African Heritage Resources Agency.
Many shell middens are found along the coast between the Gouritz River mouth and the Breede River mouth.
One of these shell middens, above the harbour in Still Bay, Western Cape, is protected from the elements and human interference. The public can view it with the aid of steps and a viewing platform.
Skulp-ashoop by Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap
Die skulp-ashoop is net oos van die Stilbaaihawe naby die historiese Wafra Boot by die NRSI stasie 31 se kantoor.
Sulke skulp-ashope is die vuilgoedhope of stortingsterreine van die mense uit die Steentydperk. So ‘n ashoop wys vir ons die kos wat hulle geëet het, die gereedskap wat hulle gemaak het en die ornament wat hulle gedra het.
Hierdie skulp-ashope is deel van ons kulturele erfenis en mag nie versteur word sonder toestemming nie. Jy kan die ashoop bokant die Stilbaaihawe van ‘n platform af bekyk.