Preekstoel Caravan Park Stilbaai

Preekstoel Caravan Park Stilbaai

This caravan park sits practically on the Blue Flag status beach of Preekstoel. Roughly 4 km from Still Bay on the eastern side of the Goukou River.

Thanks to the shallow bay, the extensive clean sandy beaches as well as the lagoon, every kind of water-related activity is of course possible. Together with the Goukou River, which is navigable for 15 kilometres, the opportunity is there for many activities such as swimming and also sunbathing. Also various surface water sports like surfing, windsurfing, kite surfing and stand-up paddling.

Similarly you can do boating such as canoeing, kayaking,  sailing, paddle-boating as well as motor boating and water-skiing. You might rather enjoy just walking for kilometres along the pristine beach picking up shells. Or strolling around on the hiking routes around Still Bay watching birds. Or you might be an avid angler, liking to fish from the rocks or in the river. Maybe you prefer to go out with the fishing boats and do some deep sea fishing.

Preekstoel Karavaanpark Stilbaai

Hierdie karavaanpark is feitlik op die Blouvlag-status Preekstoelstrand sowat 4 km uit Stilbaai aan die oostekant van die Goukourivier.
Die vlak baai, uitgestrekte sandstrande, riviermonding en die feit dat die rivier navigeerbaar is vir 15 km, maak dit ‘n goeie plek vir allerhande watersporte. So, jy kan swem en baai in die son, of stap langs die strand of op die wandelroetes in die omgewing.
Of jy kan branders ry op verskillende maniere asook roei met ‘n kano of kajak, of seil of met die trapbootjies op die water rondvaar. So kan jy ook visvang in die rivier, of van die rotse af. Dalk is jy ‘n diepsee-hengelaar en wil jy liewer met die visserbote uitgaan en die grotes daar diep gaan uithaal.

Preekstoel Caravan Park Stilbaai

Preekstoel Road



Preekstoel Kamp Tariewe 2021

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