Sleeping Beauty Hiking Trail

Sleeping Beauty Hiking Trail

Sleeping Beauty Hiking Trail

Sleeping Beauty Hiking Trail

Sleeping Beauty Hiking Trail

This hiking trail covers a distance of 14 km from the old Toll House to the crest of Sleeping Beauty and back. The Sleeping Beauty hiking trail is a relatively easy walk (depending on your level of fitness you can reach the top in 3 -4 hours) and numerous streams are crossed.
The town of Riversdale on the N2 through the Garden Route is nestled comfortably at the foot of the Sleeping Beauty.  a Well-known peak in the Langeberg Mountains.
An abundance of bird life can be seen while wandering leisurely through the fynbos of the Sleeping Beauty Hiking Trail. Water bottles are re-filled where the trail meets the Yellow-wood forest at the top of the ravine.
From the forest the trail winds its way to the top behind the Sleeping Beauty mountain peak. The last stretch is a steep 1.5 km to the crest.  From where you will have the most magnificent panoramic view of the Langeberg Mountain Range.
Be sure to wear long pants because of the bushes and thorn-like shrubs which can be hard on your shins. Keep your eyes wide open – you might encounter a snake or scorpion too, while admiring the spectacular view over the Protea pin cushions fields.
Die Slapende Skoonheid-Wandelpad in die Riversdal-omgewing is ‘n 14km-lange relatief gemaklike stap deur pragtige fynbos en oor verskeie stroompies vanaf die ou Tolhuis tot by die kruin van die Slapende Skoonheid en terug. Afhangende van jou fiksheidsgraad, kan jy die kruin binne 3-4 ure bereik. Dra verkieslik ‘n langbroek vir die doringagtige bosse en genoeg water vir die hitte. Wees maar op die uitkyk vir slange en skerpioene.


Follow the road to Ladismith (R323) for about 20 km out of Riversdale. After ascending the Garcia Pass, the start of the route is on the left just after the Toll House.
No permits needed at the moment (2019)
Hiking –  At your own risk.

Tel: (028) 492 0001  or (028) 492 0002