U3A Stilbaai

U3E Stilbaai

U3A Stilbaai

U3E Stilbaai

U3A Stilbaai

The University of the Third Age (U3A) in Still Bay was launched in May 2015 with 20 members. It is an international organisation which originated in France. The Still Bay U3A quickly grew to 237 members, (end of January 2018) meeting on the last Monday of every month. These meetings take place in the Waenhuis, Jagersbosch, at 09H30. The meetings are in the form of lectures and talks which last about an hour.

The aim of U3A in Still Bay is to improve the quality of life of older people, especially retired people. Since Still Bay is a popular retirement village, there are many highly intellectual and educated people living in this town. The U3A want to encourage the maintenance of intellectual capacity through stimulating programmes as well as learning and teaching. And of course the social contact members will inevitably develop as a result of these meetings.

U3A Stilbaai Membership

  • Membership is of course open to any person interested in the objectives of this group.
  • There is also a membership fee of R30 per person per year
  • The courses as well as group activities for smaller groups with the same interests are for members only

U3A Stilbaai Groups and Group Activities

  • TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talks at 09H30 on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the Waenhuis
  • Hiking Group doing a weekly 2-3 hour hike and also a
  • Strolling Group for more gentle walking
  • Bird Identification Group for beginners as well as a
  • Photography Group
  • Share Group discussing the Share Market and also a
  • Neuro-Science Group
  • Stilbaai and Surrounds Historic Houses Tour Group

U3A Stilbaai Meetings for 2018

26 February
26 March
30 April
28 May
25 June
30 July
27 August
24 September
29 October
26 November

Universiteit vir die Derde Ouderdomsgroep in Stilbaai (U3A)

Dis nou die ouer mense veral die afgetredenes van wie daar baie in Stilbaai is omdat Stilbaai so ‘n gewilde aftreeplek is. Rustig, by die see en storieboekmooi. Met genoeg om te doen en baie om by te dra in die Stilbaaigemeenskap asook die hele omgewing.

Hierdie groep wil die lewenskwaliteit van ouer mense verbeter en die intellektuele kapasiteit bevorder deur stimulerende leer- en onderrigprogramme. So ook sal die sosiale kontak op intellektuele vlak ook mense aanmoedig om nie afgestomp te raak nie.

Enigeen kan ‘n lid word en lidmaatskapgelde is R30 per persoon per jaar. Lede kan die groepaktiwiteite en kursusse bywoon. Daar is elke maand op die laaste Maandag ‘n samekoms by Die Waenhuis, Jagersbosch om 09H30 en dit hou sowat ‘n uur aan.

More information on U3A in Stilbaai

Read more about the U3A in Still Bay on their website www.u3astilbaai.org.

The U3AStilbaai Bulletin is published monthly to inform members about activities.

Email: info@u3astilbaai.org.
Chairman Niel van Wyk