Feeding of the Eels

Feeding the Eels


Feeding of the Eels

Feeding of the Eels

Feeding of the Eels

Observe the feeding of the eels – an unusual, but favourite attraction for tourists and visitors to Still Bay, Western Cape in the Garden Route.

About the eels

There are 10 to 15 eels that live deep in the rock pools of the Palinggat fountain where they have been for the past 125 years. These freshwater eels move to a specific area in the ocean to mate and spawn. The larvae are carried by ocean currents to the mainland of Africa.by ocean currents.

The environment at the Palinggat fountain seems to be ideal for the eels. Nowhere else in the country are so many eels concentrated in one secluded environment and as tame as the Palinggat eels. Staff of the Still Bay Tourism Bureau hand-feed them daily on chicken livers.


The Palinggat fountain is at the the Palinggat Homestead (historic De Jager farmstead), residence of the Still Bay Tourism Office.


Visitors can watch the feeding of the eels, or even help to feed them daily (Monday to Saturday and also on Sundays during the December holiday) at 11:00.

A nominal fee is payable.

Have something to eat under the huge milk wood trees and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere at the Palinggat Homestead.

Kom kyk hoe die mak palings gevoer word by die Palinggatfontein langs die Stilbaai Toerismeburo. Elke dag behalwe Sondae om 11h00. Gedurende die Desembervakansie is hulle Sondae ook oop.

Stilbaai Toerismeburo/Still Bay Tourism Bureau
Tel 028 754 2602