JMK – J Marais Konstruksie
JMK – J Marais Konstruksie
JMK – J Marais Konstruksie Still Bay
Building contractor and master builder of new houses, restorations as well as special projects. Boukontrakteur en meesterbouer van nuwe huise, aanbouings en spesiale projekte.
Contact JMK – J Marais Konstruksie if you need any building done in Still Bay and Jongensfontein as well as the rest of the Hessequa area in the Western Cape.
JMK specialises in building new houses, shopping centres, as well as business buildings and development. In addition they also do restoration, upgrading or extension of existing buildings as well as special building projects. Have them build that extra flat for the times the children or grand children come to visit, or maybe to rent out to holiday makers for a welcome little extra income.
Their services include typical work associated with building such as plastering and painting, paving, tiling and also flooring and roofing.
JMK Stilbaai
Kontak J Marais Konstruksie vir enige bouwerk in Stilbaai en Jongensfontein, sowel as die res van die Hessequagebied in die Wes-Kaap.
JMK spesialiseer in die bou van nuwe huise, winkelsentrums, asook kantoorgeboue en ontwikkeling. Verder doen hulle ook verbeterings en aanbouings by bestaande geboue.
Hulle dienste sluit al die aspekte in wat met bouwerk verband hou soos pleisterwerk, verfwerk, plaveiwerk, teëlwerk asook dakwerk.
JMK – J Marais Konstruksie
Kobus Marais
Tel: 028 754 1605
Cell: 082 771 8624