Stillbay Thatchers

Stillbay Thatchers (Still Bay Thatchers)

Thatch roofing company for roof construction, thatch waterproofing, also Spanish bamboo ceilings. Vir rietdakke, waterdigting van rietdakke, asook Spaanseriet plafonne in Stilbaai.

Stillbay Thatchers are professional thatched roof specialists using thatch reed which comes from the heart of the thatch reed area. They specialise in roof construction, reed thatching as well as waterproofing of thatched roofs where there are water leaks. Also waterproofing of the roofs of lapas. Likewise they specialise in Spanish bamboo ceilings.

In addition they do restoration work as well as general building work locally and also internationally. Equally important they also build log cabins and wooden decks as well as supply building material.
In the beautiful coastal town of Still Bay in the Hessequa area, Western Cape.

Stillbay Thatchers is professionele rietdak-spesialiste en kry hulle riet uit die hart van die dekriet-wêreld. Hulle spesialiseer in dakkonstruksie, die rietdekking asook die waterdigting van rietdakke waar daar waterlekke voorkom. Ook die waterdigting van die dakke van lapa’s. Hulle spesialiseer ook in Spaanserietplafonne.

Verder doen hulle restourasiewerk en ook algemene bouwerk, plaaslik asook internasionaal. Hulle bou ook houthuise en houtdekke en is verder verskaffers van boumateriaal.

Vind hulle in Stilbaai in die Hessequagebied, Wes-Kaap.


Theo Kleynhans
Cell: 082 412 8290

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