Van Jaarsveld Rekenmeesters / Accountants
Van Jaarsveld Rekenmeesters / Accountants
Van Jaarsveld Rekenmeesters / Accountants
Bookkeepers and auditors in Riversdale for financial services, Tax returns, PAYE as well as VAT returns and company set-up.
Van Jaarsveld Accountants Riversdale and Still Bay
They are chartered accountants offering financial services such as all bookkeeping for your company. Since they are also auditors, they can audit your company’s books. They can also verify and confirm the truth and fairness of the books, accounts and tax returns.
Furthermore they are tax consultants as well as financial consultants. They can advise your on your personal finances as well as the financial aspects of your company.
In addition they can handle your tax returns or those of your company for you. They are professionals with a lot of experience as well as knowledge on tax issues. Their costs are also competitive.
In conclusion they will help you with setting up business structures for the successful performance of your company.
They do business in Riversdale as well as Still Bay.
Van Jaarsveld Rekenmeesters Riversdal en Stilbaai
Boekhouers en ouditeure in Riversdal vir finansiële dienste, belastingopgawes, BTW-opgawes en die opstel van besigheidstrukture, asook die finansiële bestuur daarvan.
Hierdie geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters en belastingkonsultante werk in Riversdal en Stilbaai.
Van Jaarsveld Rekenmeesters / Accountants
17 Barry Street
GPS coordinates
-34.08937, 21.25983
Paul van Jaarsveld
Tel: 028 713 4129
Fax: 086 605 2377
Cell: 082 822 3156
Sandra van Jaarsveld
Tel: 028 713 4129
Fax: 086 524 1070
Cell: 078 344 6257
Marzanne Barnard
Tel: 028 713 4129
Fax: 086 590 8705
Cell: 082 828 3376