Vintners Surf Classic
Vintners Surf Classic
Vintners Surf Classic
Annually in August the Vintners Surf Classic surf contest is on at Still Bay, Western Cape. Contestants come from the wine industry.
A group of about 12 winemakers who loved to surf and hated golf started the Vintners Surf Classic in 2000. And so this core group of Western Cape based winemakers came up with the idea to take off one Friday a year to surf.
They held the first Vintners Surf Classic in epic conditions at Onrus Beach. 12 contestants participated and it was such fun that it has grown pretty organically every year.
The Vintners Surf Classic Moves to Still Bay
From its origins at Onrus beach, the event moved to Still Bay which has a more consistent point break. As a result they now hold the Vintners Surf Classic annually in August at Morris Point in the Skulpies Bay Nature Reserve. There the eager contestants gather with their families to enjoy a great day of surf and fun.
Overall they organise the actual surf event properly. There are 3 main categories of surfers – Junior, Senior and of course Ballies. The top four surfers of each category of course go into a final show down. The day ends with a get together in the evening, coupled with a prize giving while all competitors are there.
The biggest prizes go into a lucky draw, consequently everyone has a fair chance of winning something. Usually these prizes are surf boards or wet-suits. This shows a remarkably good spirit.
‘n Groep van 12 wynhandelaars het in 2000 die eerste branderrykompetisie gehou by Onrusbaai. Die kompetisie is sedertdien geskuif na Stilbaai by Morrispunt in Skulpiesbaai Natuurreservaat waar die branders meer bestendigbreek.
Daar is 3 hoofgroepe branderplankryers – Junior, Senior en natuurlik die Ballies. Die beste vier uit elke groep kom uiteindelik teen mekaar te staan.