Farrell Projekte

Farrell Projekte Stilbaai / Farrell Builders Still Bay

Building and construction of new houses as well as alterations and renovations. Bou nuwe huise en doen aanbouings aan bestaande huise.

Farrell Projects takes care of building plans as well as build new houses or do renovations and alterations to existing buildings. These quality builders handle all aspects of building such as paving, painting, electric wiring, plumbing, floor and roofing.

Conrad Farrell is well qualified for handling building projects. He holds a National Higher Diploma in Building Management as well as a MBA. He is also registered with the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) which is the regulatory body of the home building industry.

Farrell Projects goes hand in hand with Farrell Hire which hires out building equipment, power tools and hand tools, scaffolding, site toilets and site stores. Also concrete formwork, and garden tools such as wheelbarrows, lawnmowers, bush cutters, blowers and steps.

They are in the Industrial area on the eastern side of the Goukou River in Still Bay and also work in Jongensfontein and the whole Hessequa area.

Bouplanne en Projekte in Stilbaai

Farrell Projekte sorg vir jou bouplanne sowel as bou nuwe huise en doen aanbouings en veranderings aan bestaande geboue. Hierdie kwaliteit-bouers hanteer die hele bouprojek en sorg vir al die aspekte rondom die bouproses soos plaveiwerk, verwerfwerk, elektriese bedrading, loodgieterswerk, vloere en dakke.

Farrell Projekte gaan hand aan hand met Farrell Hire wat bougereedskap uitverhuur soos kraggereedskap, algemene handgereedskap, steierwerk, terreintoilette en terreinstore. So ook betonvormwerk en tuingereedskap soos kruiwaens, grassnyers, lere en randsnyers, ens.


Steadrylaan 37

Kloof Industriëel



Conrad Farrell

Tel: 028 754 2176

Fax: 028 754 2176

Cell: 082 788 7970

E mail: conradfarrell@vodamail.co.za